


15 years ago, the English chemist H. C. Brown and his co-workers extracted a gas from uranium ore that they called “gallium,” which they postulated was probably an element distinct from gallium salts, such as gallium arsenide, known to exist at this time; 20 years later scientists confirmed their hunch by isolating gallium in quantity from its ores. The name is often spelled without the final letter “e”—as in the present article—because it resembles Latin word for “joyful,” gaudia. This spelling has been recommended since about 1979, but some authorities still recommend Gallium (including Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary) because of older associations. I will use both forms interchangeably here, though most references will favor one or the other. It should be noted however that when dealing with historical usage there are two types of Gallium/Gallium: One refers to the elements and the other denotes the compound gallium arsenide. For reasons not relevant to my discussion these compounds were traditionally named after Latin words for joy rather than the corresponding elements themselves, hence the traditional spelling. Because of this distinction, the modern spelling would not have helped if we needed to distinguish between the element and its compounds before the late seventies!

The chemical symbol for gallium comes directly from ancient Greek, derived via Latin from the same root verb that produced the English terms “galaxy,” meaning “milky way,” and galeous, meaning “salty.” As mentioned above, while early writers on chemistry used the term “gallium” consistently to refer to whatever the new substance turned out to be, others preferred more descriptive names like “newly discovered rare metal,” etc… Since the eighteenth century, many different spellings have been applied to this chemical symbol, including Galix, Gailleum, Gaellium, Galeam, Galaum等……and even occasionally Gallium itself. However, according to CIP Guide, only the version with double l’s should now be recognized officially: [Ga] … There seems to be no consensus yet regarding how best to render this symbol phonetically into English, although most


这个字属金,因为它是用金属制作的。 它的读音是jia2声 (这二声有点像“家”的音) 这个字的字形结构比较有意思,从偏旁部首看它是形声字;但它中间一竖不独立出来,说明它不是独体字而是合体字。

这个字在电脑上是搜不到的,因为它不是规范汉字(繁体字也不行、异形字更不行!) 我在字典上查到了这个字,但是没查到它对应的简体和繁体是什么。
