

建(jiàn)字的基本信息! 部首:廴 部外笔画:8 总笔画:10 五笔86&98:PWXN 仓颉:KBUO 郑码:ZSRL 笔顺编号:32551515451 四角号码:37127 UniCode:CJK 统一汉字 U+5FDD 五行属性:木 基本字义

● 建(建)jiàn ㄐㄧㄢˋ

◎ 立,设立:建立(a.开始成立;b.成立已久了)。建校。

◎ 设置,配备,筑:建设、建行(中国建设银行)、健在、健全、健身房。

◎ 提出,建议:建议。建言。献策。

◎ 中国唐代诗坛上的“李杜”:佳句。诗兴。

◎ 旧时文人写作常用词:文绉绉~。


● 建 (Jian) means to set up or establish. The "jian" in the Chinese character for "Jian" is a graphical representation of someone holding something upright with both hands. In other words, it means to construct by using one's hands as well as mental efforts. Hence all the meanings like building, setting up, constructing etc. arise from this root meaning.

例:创建(to found an organization or institution) 奠基(to lay the foundation stone of a building) 改建(convert an existing structure into a different use) 重建(reconstruct after damage or destruction) 扩建(extend the size of sth) 改造(refurbish and improve the functionality of a building) 扩建(enlarge sth) The "jian" also implies being healthy, sound, vigorous, etc. Thus we have 健康(health) 强健(vigorous) 健全(healthy and complete)

The "xian" in "JianXian" means "to recommend, give advice, suggest, propose." It carries the same connotation of "making suggestions" as the English word "advise." 建议(propose, suggest) 献计(offer advice) 建言献策(offer constructive criticism) The "du" in JiuDu means “to be perfect, thorough, completed, finished.” 所以九毒就是完全做好了的准备……



